
Kingmaker Consultancy effectively contextualizes timeless-values for the mashed-realities in which they are applied.
21st century children and youths use Internet technology very early in their lives. En-route to acquiring digital literacies, they learn and apply values in the real and virtual worlds. This is a “mashed-up domain” where the rules of engagement are often blurred.
To teach values effectively in these times, Kingmaker contextualises timeless values for youths’ daily encounters in the digital world.
Kingmaker consults with educators and institutions to design time-relevant curriculum and to customise effective delivery methods. Our integrated workshops for Educators, Parents and Youths ensures a holistic & systemic approach to Character Education. |
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• Kingmaker empowers adults to handle technology and mediate effectively in youth Internet usage
For who?
Parents, educators and social workers
Understanding Youths & the Internet
In the digital age, youths ride the wave of technological change while adults constantly try to keep up.
What can adults do to keep in touch with youth?
We empower educators and parents to see the Internet through the eyes of youth and learn how and why young people use the latest Internet technology.

Making Tough Media Choices
“Opportunities and risks are linked” – Sonia Livingstone
Parents want to empower children with digital literacy but yet worry about online risks. How can parents balance between maximizing digital opportunities and minimizing risks?
Adapting Parenting Approaches for Cyberspace
“… no single method works best all the time – focus instead on adapting your preferred approach” - Poh Yeang Cherng
Parents wonder what they can do to raise children in the digital age. How may parents adapt their preferred parenting style for the Internet? Choose between rules, relationships and technical tools. Adapt your parenting style for maximum effectiveness.
Kingmaker’s consultants are highly qualified in various subject matters.
Contact Kingmaker for an e-brochure of topics covered. |
• Participants develop personal and team resilience through Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programmes
For who?
Primary 4 to Junior College students
Contact Kingmaker for a non-obligatory consultation to customize programmes to suit your needs. |
• Research of Internet youth trends
• Consultancy to design and customise effective CCE programmes
For who?
For schools and community organisations
Contact Kingmaker for a non-obligatory consultation to customize programmes to suit your needs. |